Source code for

from time import time
from typing import List

from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

from pica.structure.records import TrainingRecord
from pica.util.logging import get_logger
from pica.util.helpers import get_x_y_tn

import numpy as np

DEFAULT_SCORING_FUNCTION = 'balanced_accuracy'

[docs]def compress_vocabulary(records: List[TrainingRecord], pipeline: Pipeline): """ Method to group features, that store redundant information, to avoid overfitting and speed up process (in some cases). Might be replaced or complemented by a feature selection method in future versions. Compressing vocabulary is optional, for the test dataset it took 30 seconds, while the time saved later on is not significant. :param records: a list of TrainingRecord objects. :param pipeline: the targeted pipeline where the vocabulary should be modified :return: nothing, sets the vocabulary for CountVectorizer step """ X, y, tn = get_x_y_tn(records) # we actually only need X vec = pipeline.named_steps["vec"] if not vec.vocabulary: names = [name for name, i in vec.get_feature_names()] else: names = sorted(vec.vocabulary, key=vec.vocabulary.get) X_trans = vec.transform(X) seen = {} new_vocabulary = {} new_index = 0 for i in range(len(names)): column = X_trans.getcol(i).nonzero()[0] key = tuple(column) found_id = seen.get(key) if not found_id: seen[key] = new_index new_vocabulary[names[i]] = new_index new_index += 1 else: new_vocabulary[names[i]] = found_id # set vocabulary to vectorizer pipeline.named_steps["vec"].vocabulary = new_vocabulary pipeline.named_steps["vec"].vocabulary_ = new_vocabulary pipeline.named_steps["vec"].fixed_vocabulary_ = True
[docs]def recursive_feature_elimination(records: List[TrainingRecord], pipeline: Pipeline, step: float = DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE, n_features: int = None, random_state: np.random.RandomState = None): """ Function to apply RFE to limit the vocabulary used by the CustomVectorizer, optional step. :param records: list of TrainingRecords, entire training set. :param pipeline: the pipeline which vocabulary should be modified :param step: rate of features to eliminate at each step. the lower the number, the more steps :param n_features: number of features to select (if None: half of the provided features) :param random_state: random state for deterministic results :return: number of features used """ # TODO: enable logging (optional) t1 = time() X, y, tn = get_x_y_tn(records) vec = pipeline.named_steps["vec"] estimator = pipeline.named_steps["clf"] # get previous vocabulary (might be already compressed) if not vec.vocabulary: previous_vocabulary = {name: i for name, i in vec.get_feature_names()} else: previous_vocabulary = vec.vocabulary if not n_features: n_features = len(previous_vocabulary) // 2 X_trans = vec.transform(X) logger = get_logger(__name__, verb=True) split = StratifiedKFold(shuffle=True, n_splits=5, random_state=random_state) selector = RFECV(estimator, step=step, min_features_to_select=n_features, cv=split, n_jobs=5, scoring=DEFAULT_SCORING_FUNCTION) selector =, y=y) original_size = len(previous_vocabulary) support = selector.get_support() support = support.nonzero()[0] new_id = {support[x]: x for x in range(len(support))} vocabulary = {feature: new_id[i] for feature, i in previous_vocabulary.items() if not new_id.get(i) is None} size_after = selector.n_features_ t2 = time()"{size_after} features were selected of {original_size} using Recursive Feature Eliminiation" f" in {np.round(t2 - t1, 2)} seconds.") # set vocabulary to vectorizer pipeline.named_steps["vec"].vocabulary = vocabulary pipeline.named_steps["vec"].vocabulary_ = vocabulary pipeline.named_steps["vec"].fixed_vocabulary_ = True return size_after
[docs]def multiple_step_rfecv(records: List[TrainingRecord], pipeline: Pipeline, n_features: int, step=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, ), random_state: np.random.RandomState = None): """ Function to apply multiple steps-sizes of RFECV in series, currently not used. Strategy might be problematic, no clear benefit. #TODO rethink or remove :param records: Data used :param pipeline: The base estimator used :param n_features: Goal number of features :param step: List of steps that should be applied :param random_state: random state for deterministic results :return: """ # step = [0.0025] for s in step: size_after = recursive_feature_elimination(records, pipeline=pipeline, step=s, n_features=n_features, random_state=random_state) if size_after == n_features: break return size_after